Residential Restoration
Curb Appeal For the Community by the Community
Do you know of residents deserving of a curb transformation? Whether it's painting, planting, or plowing, we have volunteers who are dedicated to beautifying your residential space.
Introducing the “Delco Project”
The Documentary
By: Kris San
This summer Raasin in the Sun partnered with LGI Homes produced a small outdoor residential restoration for the home of Exalton and Wilhelmina Delco, who are historical and prominent members of the East Austin Community. We are grateful and excited for this amazing opportunity to uplift and celebrate the elders who have paved the way for Austin's present and future generations.
Meet Mr. Exalton Delco who graduated from UT-Austin in 1962 with a Doctorate in Zoology. He was Vice President for Academic Affairs at Huston-Tillotson University. Wilhelmina Ruth Fitzgerald Delco devoted more than three decades to public service. In 1968, she was elected to the AISD Board of Trustees as the first African American elected to Public Office in Austin. She later served 10 terms in the Texas Legislature on more than 20 different committees. |
Watch LGI Homes present Raasin in the Sun a check for $5000 to continue to serve community through beautification and restoration projects. #LGIgiving #raasininthesun #thedelcoproject #delcoproject |